You only live once, and life is for living!
Get yourself stuck in with the activities we have on offer here at Dovecote View.
We have daily activities, morning and afternoons, and provide residents and relatives with a monthly newsletter of Activities and events, but staff will also remind you daily of what is going on, so that you have the opportunity to take part.
Our activities include (amongst many others):-
-Quiz Afternoons
-Visiting Musicians & Singers
-Pampering sessions, such as manicures, Footspas & Facials
-Singing from memory
-Armchair exercises
-Art & Crafts
-Animal Therapy & Visiting Animals (including a visiting Shetland Pony!)
-Monthly religious services
We also enjoy regular Outings, to local coffee shops or points of interest. Our minibus Outings have included places such as:-
-Goodwood Aerodrome Café
-Arundel Museum
-The Weald & Download Museum
-Serving Thyme Café at Ford Prison
-Tangmere Aviation Museum
-Graylingwell Chapel Cafe
We also celebrate key events throughout the year, as well as any sporting events or historical events. We have regular Entertainers in throughout the year, and particularly at our Resident Parties, which relatives are welcome to attend!
To see some of our activities photos, and what our residents have been up to recently, please check out our Facebook page